Sunday January 10th on Zoom – Rev. Erin Walter – ” The World’s On Fire (and We Still Fall in Love)”

Musician and UU Rev. Erin Walter lifts up one small but key detail in that story of the Israelites’ exodus from slavery toward a promised land: the women bring tambourines. Join us as we explore practices for keeping joy, music, and community in our lives even as we continue pandemic precautions.

Rev. Erin J. Walter (she/her/hers) is a UU minister and musician based in Austin, Texas. Winner of the UU Women’s Federation Sermon Award in 2017, Rev. Erin leads the indie group Parker Woodland, whose music you’ll hear in the service, and plays bass in the queer rock band Butch County. A former YMCA director, she serves as a board member for the Texas UU Justice Ministry and as the Affiliated Community Minister of Wildflower (Unitarian Universalist) Church in Austin. You can find more about Rev. Erin’s music and ministry at

For Zoom link please contact Amanda