Sunday March 23rd – Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz – Whose belonging?

Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz (video recording)
The moment I am asked about belonging, immediately a whole bunch of stories come to mind about times when I felt I didn’t belong. I am sure I’m not alone in this, it’s one of the challenges of trying to talk about belonging, how it creates complicated connections between our inner landscape, the world we find ourselves in, and the worlds we are attempting to bring about.

Speaker bio: Karen Fraser Gitlitz (she/her) is a white, cis-gendered woman of northern European ancestry. Karen has served as a Unitarian Universalist minister since 2008 and a professional Art Therapist since 2023. Karen and her partner, musician and composer Paul Gitlitz, now make their home on the Saanich peninsula on southern Vancouver Island, BC, the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people. Karen keeps connected to congregational life through her work as Coordinator of the Meaning Making Project, this year offering 8 monthly theme packets and worship services to 15 Canadian UU congregations. Karen is also developing her private art therapy practice under the banner of Creative upWelling Art Therapy and a Community Ministry focussed on the interconnections between the arts, spirituality and social justice.

Today’s collection will be going to the CUC’s initiative Sharing our Faith.  Congregations are invited to send the money collected during the Sharing our Faith Sunday to the CUC. This money goes into the Sharing our Faith fund and in the future Capital can apply for financial support of projects. Capital has made applications in the past and may wish to do so in the future.