Sunday March 27th – Stefa Katamay – When our saboteurs prevail, are we living our UU principles?

Sure, we think we are good Unitarian Universalists because we affirm and promote our UU principles. But are we? Who doesn’t get hijacked by negative emotion and now it is your inner judge getting in the way of accepting differing views, sitting in compassion and more. This presentation will explore how we can quiet those myriad saboteurs that inhabit our mind (the judge is only one of 10!) and tap into that calm, clear thinking sage that resides in all of us. Planning to attend? Complete this free assessment for insights into your own saboteurs:

Stefa Katamay has been a member of the Capital congregation since 2018. And since that time has been growing her transition and retirement coaching business, Next in Life Consulting. Stefa is trained as a Certified Executive Coach, a Retirement Options Coach and has now added mental fitness to the quiver of resources she offers clients.