Sunday March 16th –  Joy Huebert and Heather Stefanek – Where have we been, where are we going?

Join Heather Stefanek and Joy Huebert as they explore the challenges and necessities of leadership in a Unitarian Congregation.  Heather will share her experiences as Chairperson for the past three years, a time of many changes, and Joy will touch on what she is learning of Unitarianism and how we can continue to provide a … Continue reading Sunday March 16th –  Joy Huebert and Heather Stefanek – Where have we been, where are we going?

Sunday, March 9th – Yvonne Blomer – Recasting Women in Myth and Story

Though that feels like a very grand title, Yvonne will share poems and experiences of re-reading and re-telling the Persephone myth in poems. She will also share some of her current work on women, their unseen genius, clothing, climate and change. Yvonne is a writer and poet and is the past poet laureate of Victoria, … Continue reading Sunday, March 9th – Yvonne Blomer – Recasting Women in Myth and Story

Sunday March 2nd Reilly Yeo – Belonging in a fracturing world

UU communities have a unique role to play in this time – unique amongst spiritual communities, we offer belonging regardless of belief. Belonging to a UU community isn’t predicated on sharing a theology, or an allegiance to one sacred text, to a dogma, to a creed. It does, however, require commitment to our UU principles, … Continue reading Sunday March 2nd Reilly Yeo – Belonging in a fracturing world