Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
Inspiring or intimidating? Both words have been used to describe poetry, which is celebrated during April, National Poetry Writing Month. Join Sarah as she reflects on her own journey into writing poetry, some of what she is learning and how poetry helps her cope with some of life’s learning.
If you are moved to do so, please bring a short poem to share during the forum.
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy increased. Thus do we refute entropy.” ~ Spider Robinson. What would it mean, though, to live in a culture where we truly focused on sharing each others’ pains and joys? As social isolation continues to rise, we come together as UUs to resist hyperindividualism. With our commitments to interdependence and to encouraging each others’ spiritual growth, we remain a countercultural faith. Join Reilly as we continue to explore the unique gifts we have to offer a world in crisis.
What lessons do we continue to take from The Galilean Carpenter in his life, death and after death? How did his call for a reinvigorated Judaism get turned into a different religion? Is Unitarianism a safe home for Christians?
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