Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
Sixty years ago, on this date in 1954, the first mass inoculation of children against polio with the Salk vaccine began in the US. Victoria was among many Canadian cities which were struck by polio epidemics. Polio has been essentially eradicated. For many Unitarians, openness to science is a spiritual practice.
What does our Sunday service have in common with some of the first services after the reformation? How has our structure changed since then? Join Rosemary as she delves into the rich heritage that is our Living Tradition.
Gathered from 1866 by the second Catholic Bishop of Victoria, Charles Seghers, the Seghers Collections comprise some 4000 volumes, most of them ancient treating of theology, ecclesiastical history, and canon law. On permanent loan in UVic collections, they are beautiful books, which should have been the pride of a seminary library, they have no other readership than bibliographers now. Why do we collect, keep, and study book collections that no longer represent our communities? Hélène’s talk will explore the values, communitarian and spiritual of books and collections: an iconic book is an identity, a material book can be a piece of freedom.
Pursuing diversity, compassion, and equity in our congregations requires our willingness to be dead wrong about the world. This is a good thing, and I’ll talk about why.
Sam is a member of First Unitarian Church of Victoria and has two delightful children, Lucas and Mary Stefanie, and is pursuing a Master’s Degree at UVic.
Looking at some of the issues from a Unitarian point of view. The Social Justice Committee of First Unitarian Church of Victoria is involved in exploring some of the current concerns in preparation for the CUC study we hope we will all be doing next year. (There is a study resolution coming up this May at the CUC annual meeting in Montreal.) The presenters are Christine Johnston, Virginia Daniel, Dr. Ed Daniel and Dr. Adrian Fine.
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