Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
Someone recently told me that after reading the work of poet David Whyte they were convinced that rather than seeking balance in life, the goal should be to live in a way that feels whole. What are our lives committed to? To whom to give our time and energies? How can we have a full sense of who we are show up in every facet of our lives?
There are valid reasons to avoid talking about religion. And times when the silence is uncomfortable. A look at uneasiness about admitting to religion.
Join with Rosemary as she explores the humour and wisdom of Sufis. Some are more liberal than others, but they have one thing in common: They laugh a lot. Over the centuries, from this sustained laughter has emerged the mythical Mulla Nasruddin. What are these hilarious stories and mysteries embedded in the Mulla? The Mulla is described as a village idiot and sage rolled into one. Come and find out what the Mulla has to say!
“Get real! ” we sometimes hear. Are Unitarians too idealistic? Dana Lynn Seaborn will share a homily by a California UU minister who explores this relevant topic.
Many historical and contemporary festivals come together in the third week of December. Peter will talk about the roots of Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanza, to help us all make sense of the season.
As we reach the darkest shortest day of the year let’s gather as a community and welcome back the light. Please join us to celebrate the turning of the wheel.
Join the congregation in song as we celebrate the season together. Everyone is welcome.
Rev. Samaya Oakley is the Development Minister at the First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo. She received her Master of Divinity at the Vancouver School of Theology in the spring of 2013, the only Unitarian Universalist at the School of Theology. She won the award for best sermon at the school in 2012. Samaya’s vision of ministry is embodied in our living tradition. It is by standing on the side of love, of compassion, of generosity, and by taking the time to truly listen to the other to make sure that all points of view are taken into account, that we engage our living tradition.
While Unitarian Universalism has no creed, congregations agree to affirm and promote seven Principles that reflect a preference for freedom over dogma. This service will reflect on past and modern understandings of religious freedom while exploring the history and values behind our current Principles.
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