Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
What is it about this community that makes it so important to you and me? Let us think about this together.
Before the days of easy trans-ocean flights, the way to travel was on great ships. Even luxury staterooms couldn’t handle all of the trunks of stuff rich people want with them, so some trunks got labeled, “Not wanted on the voyage” and disappeared into the hold. What if that label was applied to people? In fact, we do it all the time. Every time we look away from someone crouched on the sidewalk, with their dog beside them and a hat inviting hand-outs, we tell them “not wanted on the voyage.” Specifically, we tell them “YOU are not wanted on the voyage.”
Learn about the challenges and rewards of working with another culture. Four women from Vancouver Island have been working in Guatemala for the past 11 years trying to make a real difference in the lives of Mayan families in the beautiful but impoverished communities around Lake Atitlan.
ICOAtitlan works with villagers on projects which emphasize sustainability, education and health. More info at
Among the sources of the UU living tradition are Jewish and Christian teachings about God’s love. How can we integrate ancient lessons into 21st century living?
Rabbi Shimon Moch is a leader of Kolot Mayim Reform Temple, a spiritual home for Victoria’s liberal Jews to worship, study Torah, and observe Jewish sacred times together
Karen’s homily will provide a global perspective through her life’s lens of having lived and worked on six continents. She will look at knowledge and altruism through both definition and experience, inviting you to reflect on your contributions to making the world a better place.
Karen was a member of the UU Fellowship of Ottawa for 20 years before moving to Victoria. Originally from Calgary, Karen started her professional life as a language teacher at the secondary and post-secondary levels and later worked in international development. Karen loves to sing, dance, cycle, swim and kayak.
Rosemary likens getting a Master of Divinity degree to ‘scratching the surface’ to the knowledge and literature on philosophy and theology. In this service Rosemary will discuss some of the insights, struggles, and understandings she has encountered studying at Vancouver School of Theology. It has indeed been a journey, and Rosemary is excited to share some of this journey with you.
Rosemary began her journey toward ordained ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Association in October of 2013. Since then she has completed all the requirements to become an aspirant and then a candidate for ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Association. With her Master of Divinity behind her, Rosemary will be venturing to Kelowna in September where she will do her internship. Rosemary’s off-site supervisor will be Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz and she looks forward to working with Rev. Karen and the Kelowna Unitarian congregation during the next church year. Rosemary is a member of Capital Unitarian Universalist Congregation and is the proud parent of two amazing young adults.
Celebrating the stories & songs of the indigenous people of Canada.
Dana Lynn Seaborn is a Métis woman who believes it’s important to respect the Native people of this continent during “National Aboriginal Day” and all year long.
While Eeyore frets and Piglet hesitates and Rabbit calculates and Owl pontificates, Pooh just is. And that’s a clue to the wisdom of the Taoists. Come, explore how Benjamin Hoff connects one of the world’s most famous bears with one of its oldest philosophies.
Capital’s Lay Chaplains spend most summer weekends officiating for weddings up and down the island. It’s wonderful and exciting work as well as being important outreach for Unitarianism. Come join us as Amanda delves into fascinating wedding customs from around the world, peppered with some of her most memorable weddings.
Like any culture, queer culture changes over time. With these changes, we see ourselves and each other differently, both inside and outside of queer communities. We will share stories and reflections about how evolving queer identities offer a more nuanced understanding of love & inclusion… And, of course, some fabulous music! This service will be related to but separate from the pride service the Sunday before at First Victoria.
Homo sapiens sapiens–wisest of the wise ones. This is the name we’ve given our species, and on the surface it seems well-deserved; but observe yourself carefully, or the people around you, or read the news, and you may begin to question whether we’ve earned this name at all. What does it mean to be wise, and if we are not yet wise ourselves, how can we become so?
Oliver Belisle is a father of 3, husband, blogger, writer, and spiritual explorer whose travels have led him along many different paths. He recently discovered the need for a structured and systemic approach to life and started building his own philosophy, which he describes as a blend of Stoicism, Taoism, Vedanta, and Zen. From the first time he set foot in a Unitarian Universalist church he knew that it was a perfect fit for him, and he has been a member of FUCV since 2014.
Anyone hoping to understand women’s lives needs to attend to the extent to which religion has not only reflected basic cultural assumptions about gender but has also helped shape, alter and reinforce those assumptions. The study of women in religion gives us access to women’s interior lives and how women have understood themselves, their social context and their world. Religious institutions historically have been a major sphere of women’s activities, second perhaps only to the domestic sphere itself.
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