Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
Canada has undertaken to resettle a number of Tibetans here from third countries. Susanne shared the significance of this project.
Touring Croatia with an ethical travel company: an ESL teacher’s perspective.
From you I receive, to you I give! Let’s talk about ways that we can share our abundance to continue our congregational life.
As we near Valentine’s Day, join us in raising our voices in a wide variety of songs of love in its many forms
What can we do individually and as a congregation to change the future by acts of forgiveness? Jessica Rourke will build on the popular presentation she gave two years ago and explore unforgivable acts, self-forgiveness, and restorative justice.
Rev Antonia Won “Confessions of a Perfectionist” Growing up as a Unitarian, I was aware of highly held values it was assumed would naturally result in a better society – if we lived into them adequately. I try to be a good person and live out those values, including acceptance of others as our first principle affirms (the one about inherent worth and dignity). And yet I still struggle with people whose views I can’t understand. I feel they are wrong, even if I don’t say so. Did Unitarianism get me into this pickle? More importantly, can it help get me out?
Rev. Antonia Won is a third generation Canadian Unitarian and a minister working for the Canadian Unitarian Council, overseeing Western Region and BC. Antonia has worked in congregations large and small in New Mexico, Montana and BC. She was a theme park planner and project manager in a former life. Antonia lives in Vancouver, has two young adult children and a partner who has taught her to sail.
Susanne presents the ideas of Franciscan Father Richard Rohr, whose book “Breathing Underwater” discusses where to find the spiritual.
This service will also include a New Members Welcome.
There is a great gulf between being alone and being lonely. Are they even related? Can we be alone without being lonely? Can we be lonely without being alone? Reverend Brian Kiely explored loneliness in this sermon for the Unitarian Church of Edmonton and has welcomed Dyanne to present it to us.
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