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The concept of renewal is embedded in many faith traditions. How do Unitarians envision ‘renewal?’ How does renewal play out inter-religiously? Looking at renewal from different angles may help us understand ourselves and the need for renewal in our own lives.
We all know wisdom when we see it, but what is it? And how can we build in more of it into our lives?
Jim Kempling, a retired Canadian Army colonel, is now a PhD candidate in History at UVic. He is a principal author of the website, A City Goes to War: Canadian Cities in the Great War 1914-1918, a city goes to war.
A true story told by Christine Johnston of a fascinating doctor from Northern Ireland who helped to create the face of Eastern Canada in the mid-19th century. In the process he helped develop public schooling, public health, asylums and occupational therapy.
Christine, a member of the First Unitarian Church of Victoria since 1997, was for 28 years the official historian of First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto.
Since the Campaign began in 2006 as part of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, solidarity has developed as a key strategy and a unifying force to turn the tide of AIDS in Africa. As we celebrate our tenth anniversary by reflecting and renewing our commitment, solidarity emerges as a crucial element of the Grandmothers Campaign.
Farhana Islam will speak about her journey from a small town in Bangladesh, how she sees our cultures, her personal interests and convictions and about women and Islam.
Mothers exist in many forms: our actual mothers, matriarch, Gracious Mother, Matrix of Creation, Mother Nature, Earth Mother, Ancient Mother – Grandmother Spirit, etc. On this Mother’s Day,
let us reflect together on the opportunity to mother, to be or to have been mothered, and the ways in which these experiences are expressed on a grander scale. Happy Mother’s Day!
As part of his passion for all things relating to the Salish Sea, astronomy, and extra-terrestrial life, Bill has written a children’s story called the Salish Space Program, which is the topic for today’s talk.
Summer is upon us, and with the season comes ways to open ourselves to new ways of being and thinking. The recent meeting of Unitarians from across the world in Vancouver became a forum of people with open hearts to dive deeper. We will be joined by Mike Brown, a candidate for ministry, who will lead a conversation of some of the highlights of ACM and what it possible when Unitarians and people of all stripes work together.
Michael Brown is a candidate for Unitarian Universalist ministry, recently earning his Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago. He currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.
It is through connection that we can learn to be our best selves. Alternately, a lack of connection can lead to depression and difficulties. Looking through the eyes of sages and scholars, this service will explore connection to help us understand connection more fully and to help us connect deeply and with intention.
Rosemary has been a member of Capital for six years. She was very active in the leadership of this congregation until she moved to Vancouver to attend school. She will be entering her third and final year of a Master of Divinity program at Vancouver School of Theology next fall. She is a Candidate for Ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Rosemary lives in Vancouver and is the proud parent of two amazing adults.
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