Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
Gather for a simple ritual of new beginnings. Take this opportunity to reflect on what you would like to let go of and what you wish to welcome into your life.
We welcome teaching from the Rabbi of Congregation Emanu-El, the egalitarian Conservative Jewish congregation in Victoria.
What does it mean to be virtuous, and how does this goal manifest in our Unitarian Universalist principles? Which of the classical virtues match the UU principles and sources and which virtues have we abandoned? Why? Come and share!
For all of us, communication sometimes feels impossible. We can all learn from the innovative techniques that give a voice to people with Autism and other communication disorders. An uplifting and hopeful vision for a listening world.
Nomi Kaston, M.Sc., Speech Language Pathologist
Nomi earned her Master of Science degree at McGill University, in Speech Language Pathology. She has a private Speech Therapy practice in Victoria, specializing in creative exploration of AAC, Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems involving pictures, music, gesture, and computer generated speech. She has worked and presented internationally in the fields of social cognition and communication.
Trinity Western University’s recent application for a law school has been met with incredible backlash, both from the general public and from the legal community, due to its mandatory “community covenant” and the perceived discrimination contained within it. How does Canada continue to protect the rights of all (particularly the rights of women and LGTB community members) while still protecting religious freedom?
Paige Thombs is an MA Candidate in History and Culture, Social and Political Thought at the University of Victoria. As a member of the LGTB Community, she is grateful to live in a country where she can live freely. She seeks to find balance between her rights and the rights of others.
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