Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
Ever wonder what the mysterious “CUC” really stands for or what they actually do within a religion that does not have a hierarchy. Kristina has been on the Board of the Canadian Unitarian Council for three years and will be coming to tell us about all things Unitarian from a national perspective.
Join Dr. Anslow to discover what climate change has already occurred in British Columbia and what is projected through to the year 2100. How does climate impact society and ecosystems? What is the critically important interplay between them? Some impacts already observed will be discussed and new impacts on British Columbians that may arise from climate change will be presented. How does this effect us as Unitarians living within the interdependent web of all existence?
Bio: Faron Anslow is a climatologist at the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium. His studies have taken him from analytical chemistry to glacier-climate interactions in the Rocky Mountains. The onto tropical glaciation on Mauna Kea, Hawaii and the projected demise of glaciers in British Columbia in the next 100 years. His current work explores the climate of British Columbia over the past century.
At the Ark, please speak to a Board member for directions.
Dr. Sara Comish is a Psychologist who uses Mindfulness both in her work and in her personal life on a regular basis. She will talk about Mindfulness as a building block skill for coping with the world.
Susan Breiddel is a Counselor with Victoria Hospice. She works with a nurse, going into the community, responding to a crisis of a physical, mental, emotional, social or spiritual nature. Susan is a counsellor, writer and educator in the field of palliative care. She graduated from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA, and is presently a PhD Candidate at the University of Victoria in Education Curriculum and Instruction.
Albert Schweitzer brought medicine to west Africa, organ music to Europe, and a new view of Jesus Christ to the west. Come and hear about this inspirational figure!
Imagine the good life without runaway climate change, degraded forests, but with a strong economy that can fund our education and health care. Cultures adapted to the natural world, live well at nature’s pace, and Canadians must learn how to do the same.
Picnic (with music and bubbles!)
Irving Park (James Bay beside 234 Menzies at corner of Michigan)
We provide the music, you bring your chairs or blanket and food.
12:00 noon: bubble wishing circle at the labyrinth.
We provide bubble wands and bubble mix, you bring your wishes and hopes for the new season.
All welcome.
Meeting at the Ark, all welcome. Please speak to a Board Member or Amanda for directions.
The Deaf community has its own culture which many of us know little about. Keeping in mind the First Unitarian Universalist Principle: “The inherent worth and dignity of every person”, let us learn more about the factual circumstances in which many Deaf community members live; which factors define this community as having its own sub-culture; and the nature of this culture — e.g. who is considered to belong and, surprisingly, who may be excluded; and the positive and negative effects new technology has on this community.
WHAT MOVES US: UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST THEOLOGY An adult spiritual exploration course led by Rev. Shana Lynngood Thursdays, Oct. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and Nov 6th, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, at the church, and repeated Thursdays, Oct 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and Nov 6th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, at James Bay New Horizons Centre, 234 Menzies Street This 6 week course will examine the theological convictions and perspectives of both historical figures in Unitarianism and Universalism as well as a few contemporary thinkers. Through shared direct experiences and reflection exercises, readings and lessons, and ethical deliberations, What Moves Us creates an adult faith journey for Unitarian Universalists. Deepen your understanding of the richness of our faith tradition and clarify your sense of your place in it. There is a $30 fee for all 6 sessions, but as always money should never be a barrier to participation (contact Rev. Shana directly if you have a financial concern). To register contact Margot Lods at 250-920-3893
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