Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!
“The Songlines” is inspired by a book of the same title by Bruce Chatwin. He ventures into the desolate land of Outback Australia to learn the meaning of the Aboriginal’s ancient “Dreaming-tracks.” Along these timeless paths, among the fortune hunters and redneck Australians, racist policemen and Aboriginal holy men, Bruce discovers a wondrous vision of our place in the world. In the book Bruce muses upon war, peace, wandering and many other issues. My Homily will hopefully interest each one of us to ask the question, “What is my “Songline” or “Dreaming track” just what is it that guides us through the labyrinth of our lives.
Our 1st principal states we believe in the worth and dignity of every human being. Can this include convicted felons? Susan will take us on an exploration of what it was like to work with Federal incarcerated inmates, our parole system and life after prison. Her message encourages us to open ourselves to the possibility of Healing and Hope in an otherwise lost and forgotten segment of our society.
Due to the EGM, the “Homecoming” service planned for Sept 11 will be postponed to October 30. In its place, Dana Lynn Seaborn will present a service on UU Water Communion. DLS spent over a decade living on the water, and has more recently taken up surfing. Even as a child, she was known in her family for being the one who, at every summer park visit, always managed to fall into the duck pond! Share her enthusiasm for water! Come & explore with her the origin and meaning of our UU Water Communion.
Unitarian head and Universalist heart is a common shorthand for describing these two streams of our history. For just over a year I’ve worn a chalice necklace. What have I learned about how l live my faith with my head and my heart during this time?
Our 4th principle affirms and promotes a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. When we say that the search is free and responsible, UUs have a duty to learn and apply reason.
Uganda is recovering from a de-colonialization process that has disrupted traditional cultural governance and brought about a series of wars which were marked by extraordinary brutality. But wars end and stolen children return from battle. Can they find a home?
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