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Night dreams, daydreams and future dreams. These are the stuff of the imagination, the subconscious, the collective unconscious and, many would argue, the unknown mystical realms. Whatever they are, dreams connect us with the right side of our brain, the intuitive illogical side that plays in amorphous shapes and fantastical non-realities. What you notice in your sleeping and waking dreams can impact your decisions, your relationships and your spirituality. Come on a journey into the Dreamtime, engage with dream symbology, and learn how you can use your dream life to wake up your sense of wonder, connection and meaning.
Penelope Hagan is an intuitive healer, writer, artist and musician living in Victoria. She enjoys nature, dancing, dreaming, singing, yoga, motherhood, and good cooking.
While some look at nature in and around BC as simply beautiful, others routinely describe this place in deeply spiritual terms. It turns out that there are some distinctive features associated with the “bio-region” we inhabit. Join us today for a partly poetic and partly sociological reflection on space, place, and the sacred.
Paul Bramadat is Professor and Director of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria, and specializes in religion and public discourse, public policy, and public health.
In March of 2015, 500 UU’s attended the Marching in the Arc of Justice Conference in Birmingham, AL as a part of the 50th anniversary commemoration of the Selma Voting Rights action – the crossing of the Edmund Pettus Bridge and subsequent march to Montgomery. Two UU’s, James Reeb and Viola Liuzzo, lost their lives there in 1965, defining our commitment to social justice then and challenging UU’s today to carry our principles beyond the walls of our churches. In addition to discussing his experience in Birmingham, Greg will perform some of his music. Many of his songs include race and love as common themes.
Greg Greenway is an accomplished singer-songwriter from the U.S. whose passion for social justice frequently brings his words and music to UU congregations. He has been part of the musical trio Brother Sun with another friend of Capital UU, Joe Jencks.
Learn more about the upcoming fall 2018 referendum on proportional representation from Fair Voting BC, a non-partisan society which works for fair voting systems for all elections held in BC. They support improvements in operating practices of elected bodies aimed at making government more representative, inclusive, transparent and accountable.
Peter Scales was near his mother before, during and after her medically-assisted death (MAiD). MAiD presents families with blessings and burdens, some of which may surprise you.
Staying deeply connected is in under threat! Technology is both a blessing and a curse; both linking us to the world while simultaneously reprogramming our brains. How do we navigate our digital lives and deepen our spirituality?
Wonder is the very first of our six UU sources, and where the other five are about knowledge in the head or tradition passed down by hand, that first source tells us to listen to our hearts, to the transcending experience of wonder. What happens when we fill our lives so full of doing, that we forget about the very wonder of our being? How does our tradition, our community, serve to create, or simply recognize, moments of transcendence in the world around us?
We need to build relationships with those people who are other to us or we become narrow. Privileges are merely rights taken from others. Let’s look beyond the social stigma that causes us to push others away.
Kym A Hines is a member of First Unitarian Church of Victoria. He is involved with various activist and social justice groups in Victoria including THAW Victoria, Rise and Resist, The Existence Project, newly forming Men With a Pulse support, education and action group. He is a co-parent, transgender, radical anarcho-feminist and a person disability who lives with complex post traumatic stress disorder.
Look around your community and notice who and what our monuments, parks and streets are named after. Mount Doug was re-named Pkols, its original indigenous name, in 2013 yet provincial maps still list it’s settler name. How do names tell the story of a place, what do we lose and what do we gain by re-naming our world?
Ever since her theological studies, Margot has been intrigued by questions about how the first-century church developed after the crucifixion of Jesus. In this talk, she will share some of these mysteries and a few speculations, but does not promise any definitive answers.
Margot Lods, a member of First Unitarian Church of Victoria, now self-identifies as a spiritual humanist. But for many years, she was a liberal Christian and still considers those days as an important part of her life’s spiritual journey. She holds a theological degree from Trinity College, Toronto, and served as Dean of Studies at the Anglican Women’s Training College, where she lectured in New Testament and Systematic Theology.
A square represents the earth and all things measurable and finite and a circle represents the heavens/spirit and all things unmeasurable and infinite. Ancient architecture embody in their design mechanisms to “square the circle” to join heaven and earth.
“This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness and who knows the path of peace…”
These words start a list of instructions given by the Buddha 2500 years ago to a group of agitated, frightened forest-dwelling disciples. What can we take from these teachings as we grapple with personal and societal confusion, anger, and greed? June will share the instructions and lead a short guided loving kindness meditation.
June Fukushima has been dedicated to a spiritual and healing path integrating mind, body and spirit for close to 30 years. She is a lifelong student of Buddhist mindfulness and meditation practices. June is trained in Somatic Experiencing®, a body-based approach to resolving trauma and is a Registered Counselling Therapist in Saanich, BC. June`s website
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