Calendar of events

Here you will find all of our congregation’s Sunday Services, Board and Committee meetings and other events. Use the calendar controls to see events for past or future dates. For a quick look at recent Sunday Services, click here!

Sunday February 23rd – The Rev. Fiona Heath – Beacon of Light
Feb 23 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday February 23rd - The Rev. Fiona Heath - Beacon of Light

With the light of the chalice guiding the way, we explore our aspiration to be theologically alive: seeking to be ever-evolving in our understanding, open to new knowledge. How does our theology respond to the present moment and where might it go in the future?

Rev. Fiona Heath spent nine years as the settled minister at the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga, as well as two years as the part time minister of the UU Congregation of Durham. Now retired, she lives in the countryside north of Kingston, focusing on fiction and poetry writing, local climate crisis response, and how to be a UU at home.

Sunday March 2nd Reilly Yeo – Belonging in a fracturing world
Mar 2 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday March 2nd Reilly Yeo - Belonging in a fracturing world

UU communities have a unique role to play in this time – unique amongst spiritual communities, we offer belonging regardless of belief. Belonging to a UU community isn’t predicated on sharing a theology, or an allegiance to one sacred text, to a dogma, to a creed. It does, however, require commitment to our UU principles, including the 3rd principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.

Acceptance, but also encouragement to growth, are in some tension with each other, but ideally they represent the two poles of belonging in a spiritual community. In this service, we’ll explore the question of how we get the balance right, and how we come back into relationship when we get it wrong.

Today’s service will include a New Members’ ceremony!

Sunday, March 9th – Yvonne Blomer – Recasting Women in Myth and Story
Mar 9 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday, March 9th -   Yvonne Blomer – Recasting Women in Myth and Story

Though that feels like a very grand title, Yvonne will share poems and experiences of re-reading and re-telling the Persephone myth in poems. She will also share some of her current work on women, their unseen genius, clothing, climate and change. Yvonne is a writer and poet and is the past poet laureate of Victoria, BC, having served from 2015-2018. Her most recent book is Death of Persephone: A Murder and she is currently editing an anthology of poems on ice, her third anthology of water-based poems.

Sunday March 16th – Joy Huebert and Heather Stefanek – Where have we been, where are we going?
Mar 16 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday March 16th -  Joy Huebert and Heather Stefanek - Where have we been, where are we going?

Join Heather Stefanek and Joy Huebert as they explore the challenges and necessities of leadership in a Unitarian Congregation.  Heather will share her experiences as Chairperson for the past three years, a time of many changes, and Joy will touch on what she is learning of Unitarianism and how we can continue to provide a joyful and meaningful religious experience

Sunday March 23rd – Whose belonging? Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz (video recording)
Mar 23 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday March 23rd - Whose belonging?    Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz (video recording)

The moment I am asked about belonging, immediately a whole bunch of stories come to mind about times when I felt I didn’t belong. I am sure I’m not alone in this, it’s one of the challenges of trying to talk about belonging, how it creates complicated connections between our inner landscape, the world we find ourselves in, and the worlds we are attempting to bring about.


Speaker bio: Karen Fraser Gitlitz (she/her) is a white, cis-gendered woman of northern European ancestry. Karen has served as a Unitarian Universalist minister since 2008 and a professional Art Therapist since 2023. Karen and her partner, musician and composer Paul Gitlitz, now make their home on the Saanich peninsula on southern Vancouver Island, BC, the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people. Karen keeps connected to congregational life through her work as Coordinator of the Meaning Making Project, this year offering 8 monthly theme packets and worship services to 15 Canadian UU congregations. Karen is also developing her private art therapy practice under the banner of Creative upWelling Art Therapy and a Community Ministry focussed on the interconnections between the arts, spirituality and social justice.

Today’s collection will be going to the CUC’s initiative Sharing our Faith.  Congregations are invited to send the money collected during the Sharing our Faith Sunday to the CUC. This money goes into the Sharing our Faith fund and in the future Capital can apply for financial support of projects. Capital has made applications in the past and may wish to do so in the future.

AGM follows the service instead of a Forum

Sunday March 30th – Sunday March 30th The Rev. Dr. Jonipher Kūpono Kwong (RevJ) – Be Here Now
Mar 30 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday March 30th - Sunday March 30th The Rev. Dr. Jonipher Kūpono Kwong (RevJ) - Be Here Now

In a constantly shifting world, what are the spiritual practices that allow us to be present to ourselves and be committed to our spiritual community? What resources and wisdom can we draw from to achieve equanimity in our lives and become more resilient?

This pre-recorded sermon is part of the Meaning Making series.

RevJ (he/they) is the Lead Minister of First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. Dr. Kwong obtained his master of divinity and doctor of ministry degrees from Claremont School of Theology in California, and graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in film studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Born and raised in the Philippines (of Chinese descent), most of RevJ’s adult life was spent in California and Hawai’i. He served several congregations during his more than decade-long ministry including First Unitarian Church of Honolulu (where former U.S. President Barack Obama attended Sunday school), Sepulveda UU Society, Temecula Valley UU Community, Ohana Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in Honolulu and Resurrection Beach MCC in Orange County, CA. Their non-profit leadership included serving as Executive Director of the Counselling & Spiritual Care Center of Hawai‘i and API Equality-LA.

RevJ values his pluralistic and ecumenical upbringing, from Evangelical to United Methodist, from Episcopalian to Calvary Chapel. They were christened at a gospel church and baptized as a Chinese Mennonite. In Hawai‘i, RevJ was a member of the Honolulu Mindfulness Community, a sangha influenced by Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn.

Sunday April 6th, Sarah Weaver – Journeying Into Poetry.
Apr 6 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday April 6th, Sarah Weaver - Journeying Into Poetry.

Inspiring or intimidating? Both words have been used to describe poetry, which is celebrated during April, National Poetry Writing Month. Join Sarah as she reflects on her own journey into writing poetry, some of what she is learning and how poetry helps her cope with some of life’s learning.

If you are moved to do so, please bring a short poem to share during the forum.

Sunday April 13th Riley Yeo – Living Interdependence
Apr 13 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday April 13th Riley Yeo  - Living Interdependence

“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy increased. Thus do we refute entropy.” ~ Spider Robinson. What would it mean, though, to live in a culture where we truly focused on sharing each others’ pains and joys? As social isolation continues to rise, we come together as UUs to resist hyperindividualism. With our commitments to interdependence and to encouraging each others’ spiritual growth, we remain a countercultural faith. Join Reilly as we continue to explore the unique gifts we have to offer a world in crisis.

Sunday April 20th – Amanda Tarling and Peter Scales – Pagan and Christian Stories of Easter – Jesus, Easter and The Unitarians
Apr 20 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday April 20th -  Amanda Tarling and Peter Scales - Pagan and Christian Stories of Easter - Jesus, Easter and The Unitarians

What lessons do we continue to take from The Galilean Carpenter in his life, death and after death? How did his call for a reinvigorated Judaism get turned into a different religion? Is Unitarianism a safe home for Christians?

Sunday April 27, Rev. Wendy McNiven – Living Well Until We Die.
Apr 27 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday April 27, Rev. Wendy McNiven - Living Well Until We Die.
American surgeon Atul Gawande has written an engaging book called “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End”. It is, in part, an exploration of how people can be supported in prioritizing what really matters to us, in order to live as “successfully”, as fully as we can until the very end of our lives, even in the face of serious medical problems. Today’s service will explore some of the basic – and demanding – questions we might ask ourselves and each other, as mortal beings. There is no single “right” answer.

Rev. Wendy McNiven is a Unitarian minister, retired and living on Vancouver Island.  She has served congregations in BC and Alberta, and continues her ministry in retirement through leading rites of passage, counselling and coaching.  As a member of the Comox Valley community, she is involved in environmental activism, tai chi, and choral singing.  Wendy and her husband Mike are outdoor enthusiasts and grandparents.

Capital’s New Board

Heather, Joy, Sharon, Donnie and Aiofe

New Board members Joy Huebert, Heather Stefanek, Donnie Jennings, Sharon Bool and Aoife Lentz met with Reverend Anne Barker on March 24 for a retreat to explore communication skills, and the legal requirements of boards.

Thanks to John Pullyblank for allowing us to meet at his home, Aiofe for organizing the technology, and everyone who contributed ideas, their time and delicious snacks.

We look forward to the challenges of 2025 and plan to continue to support our uplifting Unitarian community.

Report from the Board – Heather Stefanek

The “old board” met on March 19. Main topic of discussion was final details for the upcoming Annual General Meeting. The hiring committee reported that the process is moving along, and that advertising for the Administrative Assistant position will begin in mid April. This was one of our shorter board meetings, we were finished in an hour.

Following the service on March 23, the AGM was attended in person by 18 members with 9 on zoom, as well as some guests. Prior to the election, each board member presented a brief bio of their history of UUism. The new board was elected, with newcomers Sharon Bool and Donny Jennings joining the board, and Joy, Heather and Lou continuing for another year. Joy will take over as Chair, and Lou is our new Treasurer. Joy had purchased plants as a thank-you gift for Laurie and Cathy, as well as myself. Amanda presented the two retiring board members with ceramic UU pendants. A deficit budget was passed. It looks like we are finally able to fulfil Brooke’s request for part of his bequest to Capital to be sent to the Hungarian Unitarian Church. This will be handled by the Treasurer at First Church. A Nomination committee (Cathy & Sarah) was formed to seek candidates for next year’s AGM. Leigh indicated her willingness to be Capital’s delegate at the CUC AGM in May. On completion of business, those of us who remained in the hall sat down for a pot luck lunch together. Thanks to everyone who brought such delicious and varied food items.

The following day, the new board met at John’s house for a three hour retreat, which was facilitated by Rev. Anne Barker on zoom. We learned about the responsibilities of a board, and practices for working together as a strong team. As well, we became more aware of the legalities, both Federal and Provincial, with which we are required to comply. We realize that our bylaws are in need of review, a process which will take place over the coming year. Any changes needed will be brought to next year’s AGM for approval. Anyone interested in participating in this process is encouraged to contact me.

It was a delight to reconnect with many of you in person, and a big thank-you to Leigh for offering us the use of her home while she is away in Mexico.

Heather Stefanek
Past chair/Secretary

Cathy Baker – This Month’s Featured Member – by Joy Huebert

I am pleased to present a tribute to Cathy Baker, who is leaving the Board after two terms. She has written an inspiring description of her journey with Capital Congregation that is linked below.  Cathy has been a wise and steady light for our congregation since 2012 when Winnie Cooper invited her to attend and introduced her to Dick Jackson.  Thirteen years later, Cathy has served in many capacities, including two terms on the Board, and as a participant and support  for our Sunday music.  I encourage you to read her story with its many fascinating details, including her life as a transit driver.  Cathy is one of the many incredible people who have brought and still bring Capital to life for the past nearly 30 years.

I started coming to Capital in 2012 after being invited by Winnie Cooper who I met through the Gettin’ Higher Choir. Unbeknownst to me, Winnie was hoping to introduce me to Dick Jackson (she had a hunch we’d get along). Dick was away providing music for the Salt Spring Unitarians on the first Sunday I attended Capital, but I got a very warm welcome from the community and the greeter who was Elizabeth Atchison who gave me a stack of pamphlets so I could learn more about UU’s in general and Capital in particular.

A few weeks later, I hosted a musical gathering in my home and Winnie boldly invited Dick to come along. Her hunch proved correct and Dick and I connected over music and other interests and have been hanging out together since then! I finally read the stack of UU pamphlets and really got the sense that Unitarianism was a good fit for me. Dick and I got married in Amanda’s Oak Bay garden in July 2013 with Amanda and Donna Seaborn officiating and most of Capital in attendance for the ceremony and the potluck dinner and garden party.

For several summers, Dick and I served as the music team and core members of the Camp Dance Band when the Island UUs held summer retreats at Camp Pringle or at the Easter Seals Camp on Shawnigan Lake. We also helped with Music about once a month for services lead by Amanda with the Salt Spring UU fellowship.

My prior work schedule sometimes made Sunday attendance a challenge as my schedule as a city bus driver changed every three or four months, but I usually managed to pick shifts that would  accommodate services at Capital. I sometimes had to change into my bus-driver uniform during coffee time and slip out of Forum early to catch the start of my shift. I was always delighted when someone from Capital would get on my bus. I enjoyed seeing Capital friends at various places throughout the city and would attempt a friendly non-startling bus horn beep-beep greeting (it’s hard to do that subtly).

While Dick is the official music director, he welcomes my input and I often have song ideas to contribute and I enjoy finding songs that fit the homily theme. I am not generally at ease in the spotlight, but I see my musical role as being in service to the community and to augment the message of the homily. During pandemic lock-down, Dick and I together did most of the live singing to support our services. We have contributed music videos for a few national services and I enjoy our opportunities to collaborate with other UU musicians.

I often helped with any set-up since Dick and I were usually among the early arrivers at James Bay New Horizons. If needed I’d help with coffee time and clean up. I occasionally filled in as a greeter and within a few years was serving on the Board. I helped on the search committee when we were looking for a new home for Capital after our rental agreement with New Horizons wrapped up. It was fun figuring out how to beautify the games room when the Cook Street Activity was our temporary home.

Elizabeth Atchison asked me to join her on the Conflict Resource Team in 2021 where I served for several months, but stepped off that committee when a perceived conflict of interest arose.

Dick and I are still among the first few to arrive and the tech set-up is more involved now so set-up and take-down are still part of my contributions on Sunday mornings.

I joined the Board again in 2023 and after this, my second 2-year term, I will step off to allow new perspectives to arise and to put more of my energy into the musical work that Dick and I do outside of Capital.

In addition to seeing opportunities that arise and being willing to step in as needed, I believe in making a financial pledge within my means. I know that it makes a difference to those who plan our budget to have some idea of what we’re working with. I truly believe the words of our offertory song speak volumes:

From you, I receive
To you, I give
Together, we share
And from this, we live

Carmina Burana cast (with Capital UUs circled)

Three sold-out shows at the Royal Theatre!
Many thanks to Ballet Victoria for putting on this show and including the Victoria Choral Society (VCS) – Peter Scales

A few of Capital’s new Members – David, Soshin, Dale and Jeff. (new members not pictured Leigh and Liz were on Zoom)
Capital on a Sunday Morning

Painting by Dale Hitchcox

Hinda Avery –

Hinda Avery, PhD was born in 1940, in Vancouver, BC. She holds a BFA, a MFA and a PhD (UBC). Her Doctoral research, in architecture and urban planning education, was from a feminist perspective and for several years she taught Women’s Studies.

Avery has always tried to integrate political and social issues into her artwork and, in the 1970s, the feminist movement gave her work a particular focus – that of portraying women in a non-stereotypical way. This focus has remained with Avery throughout the years.

A trip to Poland and Germany, to seek information about relatives murdered during World War II, as well as to research Holocaust Memorials (museums, monuments, and memorial sites) was life-altering. The experience made Avery change the direction of her art and to focus on Holocaust subject matter. The result was a series of paintings depicting Jewish women as resistance fighters during the Holocaust. This project lasted for 13 years. She now produces comics.

For more information see:

The Lunch Bunch – at The Fifth Street Grill following a Sunday Service.
Happening this weekend at UVic!

Financial Update – Amanda Tarling

Concerns or questions about the financials?  You are welcome to reach out to Amanda any time.

Book Review

Mark D. Morrison-Reed, Revisiting the Empowerment Controversy:  Black Power and Unitarian Universalism

By Ellen Campbell, First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto
Former CUC Executive Director, Former Member of the CUC Board of Trustees

January 24, 2019

Even as a small child, Mark Morrison Reed was bothered that there were so few people in the Unitarian church he and his parents attended who looked like him.  He felt at home and warmly loved in the church school, the Chicago Children’s Choir, and later the Youth Group.  But there were very few people in families like his.  This question has been a theme through Mark’s life and has directed the work he has done as a historian of Unitarian Universalism.

Revisiting the Empowerment Controversy: Black Power and Unitarian Universalism (Skinner House, 2018) is the fourth book Mark has written on the history of African American participation in the Unitarian Universalist community, and it deals with the explosive crisis in our denomination in the late 1960s and early 70s.

A number of Unitarians, particularly a new generation of young ministers, had become committed to the civil rights movement through their participation in the march in 1965 from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, and were working in their communities with civil rights organizations.   Some congregations, mostly in urban areas, were beginning to develop racially integrated congregations, although the numbers were small.  The membership in most congregations, however, particularly in suburban locations and in New England (and Canada), was totally white.  Like the society around them, they displayed a full range of attitudes to racial integration, from very open and accepting to uncomfortable, and even racist.

Download and read the entire book review (pdf)

About Rev. Mark D. Morrison-Reed

Raised in the First Unitarian Society of Chicago, Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed served for 26 years as co-minister with his wife, Donna, at the First Universalist Church of Rochester, New York, and later the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. He is a former president of the Canadian Unitarian Council’s Board of Trustees and the Family Service Association of Metropolitan Toronto. He has also served as the vice-chair of the UUA Commission on Appraisal and Ministerial Fellowship Committee. As a historian of the African-American presence in UUism, he is the author of Black Pioneers in a White Denomination and Darkening the Doorways: Black Trailblazers and Missed Opportunities in Unitarian Universalism. He has also written In Between: Memoir of an Integration Baby, is co-editor of two meditation manuals Been in the Storm So Long and Voices from the Margin and has several pieces in Guarding Sacred Embers: Reflections on Canadian Unitarian and Universalist History. He has retired from his affiliated faculty member at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago and from active ministry. He was also the coordinator of its Sankofa Archive, a collection of materials about the people of color who were UUs.

Read Rev. Mark Morrison-Reed’s 2013 CUC National Conference Keynote: Radical Inclusion

Do you know that almost all of Capital’s homilies can be found on our YouTube page.  Find everything here:

or search YouTube “Capital UU Congregation”

Sunday Services

All Sunday services are on Zoom.

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