Cathy Baker – This Month’s Featured Member – by Joy Huebert
I am pleased to present a tribute to Cathy Baker, who is leaving the Board after two terms. She has written an inspiring description of her journey with Capital Congregation that is linked below. Cathy has been a wise and steady light for our congregation since 2012 when Winnie Cooper invited her to attend and introduced her to Dick Jackson. Thirteen years later, Cathy has served in many capacities, including two terms on the Board, and as a participant and support for our Sunday music. I encourage you to read her story with its many fascinating details, including her life as a transit driver. Cathy is one of the many incredible people who have brought and still bring Capital to life for the past nearly 30 years.
I started coming to Capital in 2012 after being invited by Winnie Cooper who I met through the Gettin’ Higher Choir. Unbeknownst to me, Winnie was hoping to introduce me to Dick Jackson (she had a hunch we’d get along). Dick was away providing music for the Salt Spring Unitarians on the first Sunday I attended Capital, but I got a very warm welcome from the community and the greeter who was Elizabeth Atchison who gave me a stack of pamphlets so I could learn more about UU’s in general and Capital in particular.
A few weeks later, I hosted a musical gathering in my home and Winnie boldly invited Dick to come along. Her hunch proved correct and Dick and I connected over music and other interests and have been hanging out together since then! I finally read the stack of UU pamphlets and really got the sense that Unitarianism was a good fit for me. Dick and I got married in Amanda’s Oak Bay garden in July 2013 with Amanda and Donna Seaborn officiating and most of Capital in attendance for the ceremony and the potluck dinner and garden party.
For several summers, Dick and I served as the music team and core members of the Camp Dance Band when the Island UUs held summer retreats at Camp Pringle or at the Easter Seals Camp on Shawnigan Lake. We also helped with Music about once a month for services lead by Amanda with the Salt Spring UU fellowship.
My prior work schedule sometimes made Sunday attendance a challenge as my schedule as a city bus driver changed every three or four months, but I usually managed to pick shifts that would accommodate services at Capital. I sometimes had to change into my bus-driver uniform during coffee time and slip out of Forum early to catch the start of my shift. I was always delighted when someone from Capital would get on my bus. I enjoyed seeing Capital friends at various places throughout the city and would attempt a friendly non-startling bus horn beep-beep greeting (it’s hard to do that subtly).
While Dick is the official music director, he welcomes my input and I often have song ideas to contribute and I enjoy finding songs that fit the homily theme. I am not generally at ease in the spotlight, but I see my musical role as being in service to the community and to augment the message of the homily. During pandemic lock-down, Dick and I together did most of the live singing to support our services. We have contributed music videos for a few national services and I enjoy our opportunities to collaborate with other UU musicians.
I often helped with any set-up since Dick and I were usually among the early arrivers at James Bay New Horizons. If needed I’d help with coffee time and clean up. I occasionally filled in as a greeter and within a few years was serving on the Board. I helped on the search committee when we were looking for a new home for Capital after our rental agreement with New Horizons wrapped up. It was fun figuring out how to beautify the games room when the Cook Street Activity was our temporary home.
Elizabeth Atchison asked me to join her on the Conflict Resource Team in 2021 where I served for several months, but stepped off that committee when a perceived conflict of interest arose.
Dick and I are still among the first few to arrive and the tech set-up is more involved now so set-up and take-down are still part of my contributions on Sunday mornings.
I joined the Board again in 2023 and after this, my second 2-year term, I will step off to allow new perspectives to arise and to put more of my energy into the musical work that Dick and I do outside of Capital.
In addition to seeing opportunities that arise and being willing to step in as needed, I believe in making a financial pledge within my means. I know that it makes a difference to those who plan our budget to have some idea of what we’re working with. I truly believe the words of our offertory song speak volumes:
From you, I receive
To you, I give
Together, we share
And from this, we live |