Sunday December 26th on Zoom  Peter Scales “Looking Back, Looking Ahead.”

December 26, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday December 26th on Zoom  Peter Scales "Looking Back, Looking Ahead."

In our social bubbles, each of us has experienced so much during Pandemic Year 2021.  As a congregation, Capital UU has continued to experience as much spiritual community as possible under the BC health orders.  45 Zoom services, Zoom board and committee meetings, in-person picnics and pub nights, and dozens of friendships maintained by walking, coffee-ing and dining.  Looking back, we have much to celebrate.  What are our hopes for 2022, individually and as a UU congregation?  What do we also hope for in our communities, the climate, food security, etc?
Peter Scales fondly remembers his mother every New Years Eve leading the family to look back, then look ahead.

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