Sunday July 3rd on Zoom – Evelyn Peters – Three myths about Lekwungen Treaty and Territory and why they matter.

July 3, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday July 3rd on Zoom - Evelyn Peters - Three myths about Lekwungen Treaty and Territory and why they matter.

Description: As a social geographer, I find it important to know something about the history and geography of the place I live. Like many cities, Victoria has largely erased evidence of original Indigenous inhabitants. As a settler interested in the nature of prior Indigenous residence in this city, I researched the history of Lekwungen dwelling here and the European myths and assumption that led to their dispossession. I share some of this research with you in this talk. 

Bio: Formerly a professor and Canada Research Chair in social geography, Evelyn Peters’ research focused on the histories and characteristics of urban Aboriginal people in Canada. Now retired, she has lived in Victoria for 6 years. For her, part of learning what it means to be a settler in this territory requires understanding the history of the Indigenous people on whose lands she now lives.

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