Sunday June 2nd, 10am, at Norway House, Mary Dahonick and Joy Huebert “Cult Captive.”

June 2, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Sunday June 2nd, 10am, at Norway House, Mary Dahonick and Joy Huebert "Cult Captive."

Cults are extreme forms of religious organization.  Seeming to offer love, support, community and meaning, they can also exploit, abuse and even kill their members.  Mary Dahonick will describe how she was lured, exploited and rescued from the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church (Moonies).   Why is this information of value to us today?  There are still many cult leaders who seek to control and manipulate individuals for personal gain.  Although we think we are not likely to fall prey to them, we can observe cult behaviours in our society, such as the spreading of misinformation for personal gain.  We can also become vulnerable in our lives through loneliness or suffering and fall victim to those who promise unconditional love in return for conformity, money and obedience.  How can we safeguard ourselves, our loved ones and our community in ways that truly offer love and support without the abuses of cult behaviours?

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