Sunday May 5th, 10am, at Norway House, Randy Enkin, One Hundred Aspects of the Moon

Taking inspiration from the 19th century artist Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, who published a wildly popular series of 100 woodblock prints featuring the moon, I will present many ways that I look at the moon. How is it that every culture and every age has a fascination with the moon? How does my fascination with a celestial object … Continue reading Sunday May 5th, 10am, at Norway House, Randy Enkin, One Hundred Aspects of the Moon

Sunday April 21st at Norway House and on Zoom, Ollie Belisle – The Christ Conspiracy

There is arguably no figure more renowned than Jesus Christ. Despite living over 2,000 years ago, long before the rise of social media, this Palestinian Jew remains an influential icon, shaping attitudes and behaviors globally through his enduring story. But what unfolds when we detach Christ from our preconceived notions and approach his story anew? … Continue reading Sunday April 21st at Norway House and on Zoom, Ollie Belisle – The Christ Conspiracy